Five Compelling Reasons to Utilise Outsourced Managed Learning Services

Five Compelling Reasons to Utilise Outsourced Managed Learning Services

The outsourcing of non-core business functions has become a mainstream practice and outsourcing your management learning and development via outsourced managed learning services, is in principle is no different than outsourcing, say, your company’s payroll.

But under what circumstances should you consider outsourced managed learning as the solution to your management training, learning and development needs?  Here are five.

  1. Your managers are having to work remotely. The coronavirus pandemic has meant that many managers are having to work remotely and need a learning solution that fits around their working day.  The development of technology and virtual means that outsourced managed learning service providers now offer a range of online learning that allows managers to develop their skills and take control of their personal growth at a time and place that suits them.
  2. You have budget constraints. Many businesses are facing tough trading conditions and have limited budgets to spend on management development.  Again, advances in technology have driven down the costs of virtual learning and outsourced managed learning service providers are able to deliver great learning content at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.  Sometimes for just the cost of a cup of coffee!
  3. You need additional (temporary) resources. You may already deliver some management development in house.  But what if you wish to deliver development to a large number of managers across many different locations?  You certainly don’t want to add fixed cost to your business.  The flexible solution is to engage an outsourced managed learning provider to do it for you.
  4. You want a blended solution. You want to give your managers a blend of ‘traditional’ training (either face to face or virtually) with additional resources designed to help your managers develop their skills and improve their performance further.  Developing your own bank of digital resources is very time consuming and potentially expensive.  A cheaper and more expedient solution is to outsource it to a managed learning service provider who can tailor their existing resources to your company’s needs.
  5. You have time constraints. You may have a new team or to need to rapidly upskill your managers to improve performance.  Outsourcing your management development will help you.  Managed learning services providers will have ‘ready to use’ content that they can deploy quickly and effectively.

When contemplating your next management development project, consider using an outsourced managed learning services provider. These companies will have the necessary resources and skills to rapidly deploy the development solution you need at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself!

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